
The Rise of CBD Oil in Australia

CBD oil has been gaining immense popularity as a health supplement globally. However, in contrast to some other countries, acquiring CBD in Australia is not as straightforward. It can only be legally obtained with a prescription, yet many Australians are actively discussing and purchasing CBD oil online, often uncertain about its legality and authenticity.

Australia’s CBD market stands apart from those in other nations—it’s virtually non-existent. Nevertheless, it’s reasonable to assume that if any form of cannabis were to become legal in the near future, CBD oil would likely be the first product to receive approval. The World Health Organization (WHO) conducted a comprehensive review of CBD studies involving both humans and animals and concluded the following:

  • CBD does not produce the psychoactive effects associated with THC.
  • It lacks significant abuse potential.
  • CBD generally exhibits good tolerability and has a favorable safety profile.

While not definitively declaring CBD as entirely safe, these WHO findings suggest that, due to its safety profile and potential benefits, CBD may become more accessible to all Australians in the near future with further research.

In our previous article on CBD, you explored the scientific aspects of CBD. In this article, we will delve into the reported benefits and potential side effects of CBD oil. The key difference is that here, we will cover the benefits reported by users when using CBD as a supplement or medicine, regardless of whether there is scientific evidence to support these claims. The topics we will address include:

  • CBD oil benefits
  • CBD oil side effects
  • Known drug interactions

CBD Oil Benefits

To grasp the benefits and side effects of CBD oil, it is important to have a basic understanding of how CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system. Given the system’s involvement in numerous bodily processes, CBD oil presents a wide range of potential benefits. Here are some of the primary benefits reported by individuals worldwide when using CBD oil as a supplement or medication:

  1. Pain Reduction: Cannabis has a long history of use in pain management. There is anecdotal and some scientific evidence suggesting that CBD oil may alleviate pain. For instance, a 2018 study demonstrated the potential of a 1:1 CBD to THC ratio in alleviating neuropathic pain.
  2. Mood Regulation (Anxiety and Depression): Mental health is one of the most common reasons for using CBD oil. While there are contrasting opinions on whether cannabinoids help with anxiety, some studies indicate that CBD can reduce anxiety, especially at lower doses.
  3. Sleep Improvement: Many individuals have incorporated CBD oil into their nightly routines to enhance sleep. While clinical proof is limited, anecdotal evidence suggests that CBD oil may improve sleep quality and reduce daytime sleepiness.
  4. Nausea: CBD’s potential to alleviate nausea has been explored in studies, particularly in the context of cancer patients. It is believed that CBD interacts with serotonin receptors, which can influence nausea levels.
  5. Heart Health (Lower Blood Pressure): CBD is being investigated for its potential in improving heart health and reducing blood pressure. Some studies have shown promising results, but more research is needed.
  6. Skin Health: CBD-based skincare products have gained popularity, with some users reporting improved skin health. Research is ongoing, but initial findings suggest potential benefits, particularly for conditions like psoriasis.

CBD Oil Side Effects

When discussing CBD’s side effects, it’s important to consider three areas of concern:

  1. Dodgy CBD Products: In Australia, CBD oil is legal only with a prescription. Be cautious of products claiming to contain CBD, as they may be illegal or not contain CBD at all. The lack of regulation can lead to inferior or misrepresented products.
  2. Known Side Effects of CBD Oil: Scientific evidence on CBD oil’s side effects is limited. During clinical trials for the FDA-approved drug Epidiolex, some patients experienced side effects such as diarrhea, vomiting, fatigue, fever, drowsiness, and abnormal liver-function test results. These effects were more common at higher doses and early in the treatment.
  3. Medical Contraindications & Drug Interactions: There are known contraindications and drug interactions related to CBD use, such as potential interactions with medications metabolized by cytochrome P450 (CYPs) enzymes, leading to altered medication levels. Additionally, pregnant or breastfeeding individuals should exercise caution when considering CBD.

Please note that this list may not encompass all potential drug interactions or contraindications. Always consult a healthcare professional, especially if you are taking other medications.


While there is limited scientific evidence regarding the benefits and side effects of CBD oil, its use is gaining attention as a potential remedy for various ailments. In Australia, CBD oil is available only with a prescription, allowing for discussions with healthcare providers about potential side effects during consultation and treatment.

Research suggests significant promise for CBD oil in addressing various health conditions. If you believe CBD oil may benefit you, consult your healthcare provider or a cannabis specialist. We anticipate that CBD oil will eventually become available over the counter in Australia. Until then, exercise caution when purchasing CBD products and stay informed for the day when CBD becomes legally accessible without a prescription in Australia.”